Friday 24 July 2015

Get Treated with Invisalign by the Top Orthodontist in Richmond

Have you ever wished that there were a way for you to get a perfect smile without having to wear braces?  You might think that your wish is nothing more than a dream, but with Dr. Larry Scarborough—the top orthodontist in Richmond—that dream can easily become a reality. 

Dr. Scarborough is proud to offer treatment with Invisalign in Richmond.  Invisalign is an incredible system that revolutionized orthodontic treatment when it was first introduced.  While it has been around for many years, many people have no idea about Invisalign in Richmond.  There are several reasons that it doesn’t have a higher profile, but the biggest one is probably the fact that it is invisible when worn, so people simply are not aware of it like they are the metal braces they see being worn around them every single day.

Yes, you read that right: Invisalign is invisible.  Which means that you can be treated without needing to wear braces—and without anyone knowing you are being treated at all?  Instead of using metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that you can remove when eating or when brushing and flossing.  You can also change them out yourself, putting you in control of your treatment and reducing the amount of visits you need to make to the office. 

Ready to learn more about treatment with Invisalign?  Contact James River Orthodontics to schedule your initial consultation or visit  here to meet Our Orthodontist team.  

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