Friday, 28 November 2014

The Basics about Quality Braces treatment

Okay, so you need braces.  Don’t panic!  Life with braces isn’t the end of the world.  In fact, it doesn’t have to be all that different than life was before braces.  As a Hanover orthodontics practice, we here at James River Orthodontics have seen plenty of braces wearers, so we know what we are talking about.  The key to making the most of your life with braces here in Hanover is to educate yourself so that you know how to handle your appliance.

What are braces?

Braces are an appliance that is placed on your teeth to move them into an ideal position.  Braces can be used to correct a variety of dental problems, including crowding, gaps, and improper bite.  Sometimes they are used to correct problems that are purely aesthetic; other times, they correct a problem that can negatively impact your health.

Pain is not Normal

Our Hanover braces patients often note that their teeth and gums feel a little sore right after the appliance is placed and sometimes after adjustments are made.  This is completely normal, so don’t panic when it happens.  Instead, be prepared with some over-the-counter pain reliever on hand and know that the pain will fade soon.  However, genuine pain is not a normal part of braces treatment.  If you experience pain greater than a slight soreness, contact the office.

Brushing and Flossing

Once your braces are on, you will need to learn a new way to brush and floss.  Your Hanover orthodontist will teach you how to do this before you go home.  It is incredibly important to be careful with your dental hygiene while wearing braces.  Any problems with your teeth can compromise treatment and braces are great at causing stains when you do not care for them well.

Changing your Diet

This biggest adjustment you will need to make is to your diet.  There are many foods that will be off-limits throughout your treatment.  Sticky, hard, and crunchy foods are at the top of the list, which might include some of your favorite foods.  Just remember that braces are temporary, but the smile they give you will be forever.

While there is certainly more to know about braces, these four items are an excellent start.  After all, right now you are just looking to be treated with braces, not to be an orthodontist.  And remember: you orthodontics team is always there to answer your questions and make you feel comfortable—don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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